September 29, International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day

The 29 September 2024 marks International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day, a key day to raise awareness among governments, businesses and citizens about the impact of wasting food in a world where more than 820 million people suffer from hunger. This initiative, organised by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the UN, highlights the urgent need to reduce food waste along the entire supply chain.

Food waste not only exacerbates the humanitarian crisis, but also has a significant environmental impact. Around 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from food that is not consumed, and the natural resources used in its production, such as water and energy, are also wasted. This contributes to climate change and increases pressure on the environment. In response, several countries, such as France, have implemented laws that prohibit supermarkets from discarding food that is fit for consumption, forcing them to donate it. In addition, governments such as the United States and the European Union have set targets to reduce food waste by 2030, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

At the individual level, experts recommend making small changes in daily habits to reduce waste. Actions such as planning your shopping, making use of leftovers and learning how to preserve food properly can make a difference. The celebration of this day invites us to reflect on the value of food and to become aware of the role that each person can play in the fight against hunger and climate change, moving towards a more sustainable and fairer food system for all.

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